Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A heart must speak and be heard.

I have much to say on the topic of relationships, any and every relationship.

Love. Oh love, glorious love. I love, love. There is never anything wrong with love. Love is from God. It is the greatest gift one person can give another. Love is beautiful.

Now, love is not a game to be played. When there is someones heart involved, someones soul and emotions...there is never anything to justify playing games with someone. Mentally or emotionally. Love is not a game.

Love should not be put on hold due to fears, restraints or time restrictions. If you love someone tell them. Only if you mean it, and if you do, make sure you tell them alot. Time doesnt wait, everyday changes and if you dont take what chances you have now, you will only lose them, and never get them back, you will be lucky to get more in the future. People need to be told they are loved-no one can read minds.

Appreciate the person who you love and who loves you in the first place. It isnt easy putting your heart out and giving it to someone. That is the hardest thing in life to do. So respect that person. If you have feelings for that person, stop playing it like you dont, you can only hurt yourself and them.

I am not a convenient lover, nor a convenient friend. I am a ride or die type of person and I dont appreciate not being taken advantage of, only being taken for granted. I offer my honest and real love. I am patient with you because I know people need time, and they arent perfect. I follow my intuition.

If I have told you I dont need or want you in my life, I mean it. Once I trusted you almost completely and you said one thing and did another. Your actions scream one thing and your words only whisper another. I am not giving you a second (millionth) chance because I know you havent changed. I am sorry, but you are not what I want nor need and I know you will never be able to give me that. I have forgiven you, but there is nothing left for me to give you, and even if there was, I wouldnt do it again. I learned my lesson, and for that I thank you.

I need to do what makes me happy, and lately that has been a struggle for me. So I am changing, and making sure I eliminate what doesnt make me happy. I cant be scared or afriad of loving someone, that isnt love. So now you understand, we can never be.

I have a new life, and I am a new person. I am living that life. So feel free to watch.