Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On the eve of a verdict.

Weather or not I want to hear it, I will.

As a child, when I was told not to look, as I would pretend, and slightly open my fingers with cracks big enough to let me see. If you don't want someone to pay attention to something, don't tell them not to look-you will cause curiosity.

I was the one who always liked to know what was going on. I have learned much of what I know in life from doing things the hard way.

Although I know I will be OK, as I have had my "revelations" as you might call them, trials, are none-the-less, hard.

I don't really know how to say what I feel, other than I am nervous. Tomorrow I will either be in need of comfort or celebration. Preferably the latter. But I cannot bring myself to be negative, as I am fully aware of the seriousness of my condition, but positivity is the most comfort I can give to myself, and the ones I love.

I will write as soon as I release all the emotions following my appointment.