I have been asked why I love mixed martial arts and fighting so-o much...
I thought long and hard about the underlying reason(s).
There are 2 main that I discovered.
2) It gives me confidence, hope, drive, passion. Otherwise, without, I find myself lacking.
I look forward to my future with martial arts. It is a part of my entity.
I never really thought about doing fashion designing when I was a little girl, I always dreamed of helping people, animals, curing them. I wanted to be a doctor, or a vet.
As I grew older, law caught my attention. I enjoyed how intense it was.
But still, it wasn't enough. I want to live a life worth living.
After having a chunk of my life cruelly stolen from me, I began to have a change in my body. Happiness no longer existed within me. My heart hurt, literally.
I no longer fit into the size 8 I wore. The numbers began to grow. My heart reached depths I didn't know could even exist.
I was so completely and utterly frustrated, I decided to make clothes for everyone, every size. So the more, voluptuous, curvy, plus sized women, didn't have to wear grandma styled clothing. Since then I have discovered I want to design on behalf of every women, who has ever lived. There has not been one women who has lived and not struggled to find something to fit them. I want to give the world what they crave. Everyone deserves to be happy. Comfortable. Period.
I want to change Hollywood. When is just being a women enough for them?
I say it is enough. Stop bashing us at every chance you have.
So what, there is a small percentage of people who wear a double zero...who cares! I will never be a double zero, nor do I wish to be. Since when does a tag with numbers on it define a person?
Does a test like the ACT test really define how smart you are? NO.
So why should something you choose to wear define you?
Look at all that we accomplish!
On my wall, in my portfolio, I have lists of countless achievements, awards, certificates. Things many people envy.
Yet to Hollywood, they are worthless.
Whatever, watch one day as I change the world. No matter how long it takes, I will do it. If there isn't a way, I will make a way. I will not bend to please you. I live to please the people I love, and who love me. I want to make me happy, really, genuinely happy. I deserve to be happy.
Hold on with me, its going to be a ride.
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