Friday, February 27, 2009


It is good to visualize your helps you see your future, and gives you motivation. As for me with fashion design, I love fashion design. My life's purpose is to spread beauty. Gives quiet clarity huh. I want to change lives. I am sick and tired of everyone being so discriminative!

And it really irks me that people claim that the racial discrimination is so bad...that was America's past. Yes, there still is racism, but not from everyone like it was back then! It is now on and individual basis. It is nor longer just the blacks and whites. There is the red's, yellow's, White's, blacks, fat people, skinny people, high income people, people living in poverty, tall people, short people, the Mormons and the world, the extremes is where racism comes in. And I am tired of people making such a big deal out of the new black President. Yes, I agree it is a wonderful mile stone for America! It is a new day. But I am very opposed to the man running this beautiful land. His morals and beliefs are what made me vote for, well lets say a rather, silly man.

I hate, I mean HATE how the blacks were segregated and treated! It is one of the most appalling things to see, someone being discriminated against for looks or beliefs! They are PEOPLE, living, breathing, emotion filled, moving, real HUMAN beings. But to blame the past on the present is not right. I shouldn't have to feel the repercussions of someone who lived so long ago and made someone else suffer. Everyone should just go for their own, but not forgetting to stop and help others along the way who are lacking. It is proven to be beneficial in any arena.

But no, I forgot. This is America, no longer the land of the free and brave. It is sad to sad that if the founding fathers came back to life by a miracle, and set a foot in congress, they would all fall over dead from how horrible America is, and who is running it.

Wow, way off topic there, sorry my ramblings.

I want women to see themselves as beautiful. Everyone has a beauty, just as everyone has a genius. You can be beautiful at 100, 400, 500, 600, 1000 + pounds! No one knows what every pound of fat is worth, nor will they ever know the story behind it. I want to see that women stop running to the bathrooms after their done eating because its what "they said" was "in". Why do you HAVE to fit into a size 00? Who decided that was normal?! In fact, what is the definition of normal, I have looked it up and it doesn't mention who is normal, nor give examples of what is normal.

Who was made so great to decide this life altering and ever effecting choice and definition?

And that is why I must change the world. (Plus some, but I must go, time has been taken from my many outrageous amounts of homework). Acceptance is not chosen by one, but by many. Or is it the one who choses for her or him self?