It is good to visualize your helps you see your future, and gives you motivation. As for me with fashion design, I love fashion design. My life's purpose is to spread beauty. Gives quiet clarity huh. I want to change lives. I am sick and tired of everyone being so discriminative!
And it really irks me that people claim that the racial discrimination is so bad...that was America's past. Yes, there still is racism, but not from everyone like it was back then! It is now on and individual basis. It is nor longer just the blacks and whites. There is the red's, yellow's, White's, blacks, fat people, skinny people, high income people, people living in poverty, tall people, short people, the Mormons and the world, the extremes is where racism comes in. And I am tired of people making such a big deal out of the new black President. Yes, I agree it is a wonderful mile stone for America! It is a new day. But I am very opposed to the man running this beautiful land. His morals and beliefs are what made me vote for, well lets say a rather, silly man.
I hate, I mean HATE how the blacks were segregated and treated! It is one of the most appalling things to see, someone being discriminated against for looks or beliefs! They are PEOPLE, living, breathing, emotion filled, moving, real HUMAN beings. But to blame the past on the present is not right. I shouldn't have to feel the repercussions of someone who lived so long ago and made someone else suffer. Everyone should just go for their own, but not forgetting to stop and help others along the way who are lacking. It is proven to be beneficial in any arena.
But no, I forgot. This is America, no longer the land of the free and brave. It is sad to sad that if the founding fathers came back to life by a miracle, and set a foot in congress, they would all fall over dead from how horrible America is, and who is running it.
Wow, way off topic there, sorry my ramblings.
I want women to see themselves as beautiful. Everyone has a beauty, just as everyone has a genius. You can be beautiful at 100, 400, 500, 600, 1000 + pounds! No one knows what every pound of fat is worth, nor will they ever know the story behind it. I want to see that women stop running to the bathrooms after their done eating because its what "they said" was "in". Why do you HAVE to fit into a size 00? Who decided that was normal?! In fact, what is the definition of normal, I have looked it up and it doesn't mention who is normal, nor give examples of what is normal.
Who was made so great to decide this life altering and ever effecting choice and definition?
And that is why I must change the world. (Plus some, but I must go, time has been taken from my many outrageous amounts of homework). Acceptance is not chosen by one, but by many. Or is it the one who choses for her or him self?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
My lovers have come and gone
Like a thunder storm rolls in and dumps all of its energy and concentrates on one particular spot, so did my friends. I felt like I was in high school again, but older, and happier. To see all of us together again and all at the same time was a miracle. We had a blast, late night movies at a dollar theater, a very longful wished for temple day, a fun filled night of junk food and bowling and playing of signs and another day filled with 4 hours of relaxing, yummy food, and more games of signs.
However in this life, the good times seem to pass quickly, I guess God is trying to teach us to hold everything that is precious closer to our hearts and to take care of them.
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Lets get down to it!
Walking on cloud nine today, I am so excited and feeling amazing! My dearest friend Shaina is finally coming down to visit me after a long absence of her presence in my life. Oh how I have been looking forward to this for so very long. I think I could be the first to die of excitement! My other best friend, Kelsey, had her brother come home from serving a mission! I shared with them in their excitement as they also had a count down to see one they love. So we will leave him a nice welcome home present, pranking will be our top priority tonight! ( I cannot go into further detail for now, I might jeopardize our opportunity and incriminate ourselves before we got to have our fun!)
I have recently been thinking about the definition of a friend. And my definition has been somewhat shaky...probably just coming from the heart of a woman.
Anyways I am quite excited, as I get to have my temple day with Shaina. That is my favoritest place to be in the whole world. Earning my place there has been an uphill battle. And Saturday night will be amazingly fun. Getting together with my friends from high school years (my favorite past times) and bowling talking and flashes from every ones cameras is so intriguing to me.
I will be sad as they leave Sunday but not before I steal them as I try to rub some of their beauty, greatness and genius on me. Photos will be taken and memories will be made. Although the pictures don't have a life long span, they will give comfort and joy.
So lets get down to it!
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I find human nature to be very interesting. Psychology is something valuable to learn-something I am spending alot of time studying as I want to make my relationships better. Because as he saying goes: "We adore those who ignore us, ignore those who adore us-hurt those who love us and love those who hurt us." Its a tragic really. I am slowly learning, but it will take time...time is something I have always struggled to keep in check.
So I will see what happens.
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Today is an OK day
I can almost see itThat dream I’m dreaming butThere’s a voice inside my head sayin,You’ll never reach it,Every step I’m taking,Every move I make feelsLost with no directionMy faith is shaking but IGot to keep tryingGot to keep my head held highThere’s always going to be another mountainI’m always going to want to make it moveAlways going to be an uphill battle,Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,Ain’t about how fast I get there,Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other sideIt’s the climbThe struggles I’m facing,The chances I’m takingSometimes they might knock me down butNo I’m not breaking I may not know itBut these are the moments thatI’m going to remember most yeahJust got to keep goingAnd I,I got to be strongJust keep pushing on,causeThere’s always going to be another mountainI’m always going to want to make it moveAlways going to be an uphill battle,Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,Ain’t about how fast I get there,Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other sideIt’s the climbThere’s always going to be another mountainI’m always going to want to make it moveAlways going to be an uphill battle,Sometimes you're going to have to lose,Ain’t about how fast I get there,Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other sideIt’s the climbKeep on movingKeep climbingKeep the faith babyIt’s all aboutIt’s all aboutThe climbKeep the faithKeep your faith
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
I have a credit card payment due, yet I do not have sufficient wonder why debt causes so much stress! I am pushing to lose weight, as it is a very important goal to me. I am struggling to keep up with school and grades, I feel like I am neglecting my friendships and relationships and this bothers me beyond description, I have no money and want to do things, I have to provide for my babies (not so much a problem, as it is having the funds), I have no me time, I haven't been going to church like I want and I know I need, I have to go to therapy because I just couldn't wait to fight, I cant fight or train until I get everything tucked away with my mother, I want to just be perfect, yet I am not!!!!!!!! ugh. More....I am breaking out majorly with zits...don't know why....I am missing things I need... I feel like a bad person....a bad everything...its just that I gotta fight the weight so it doesn't get me down. I feel bad because I dont do the best, my best all the time...I let people I love down...:(
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Who is going to save the girl after she saves the world?
All my life I have strived and struggled to make the people in my life that I genuinely care about, proud of me. It takes alot of light to light so many lives. And to shine brightly through dirty glass, broken glass is beyond hard.
My senior year of high school I tore my ACL. This did more damage than measurable. Yes, I lost so much, gained some. Fighting gives me meaningful purpose. Confidence. And to have it waved in my face while I cannot obtain it, kills me and all the things I have worked for. [Hence the weight gain].
I keep on fighting to get back on top, but it seems that I am continually pushed down time and time again. I really don't know how strong I am, but the lack of, or the ferocity of how strong I am scares me. I am tried....I will write later.
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Yesterday I received a call from my martial arts teacher. We had previously been discussing my future career in kickboxing and MMA fighting. Due to the uncertainty of my rocky and unstable relationship with my mother, he asked me to talk with her before I trained. And try I did. But to no avail, i was not heard. Is that not what we all seek? To be listened to. I do. He told me that until I settle my differences with my mother I cannot come back and train. I understand why he is doing so, it is quiet the incentive for me to follow through, but cruel at the same time.
It broke my heart that he was denying me access to what I have wanted so badly and strived so earnestly to obtain for the past year and a half. This sport gives me a confidence, a passion, that little extra special something. I lost it when I tore my ACL and had the surgery. Maybe that is why i was so upset and afraid. When you find something that can give you a fix, and allows you to abandon all other addictions causing detrimental health, you hold on so tightly to that something. "When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end". Fighting gives me that fix. I have become dependant on it and what it does for me, to me-in every way possible.
My body is screaming at me, with pain from struggling to get out of the death choke I have placed on myself, unknowingly and at times knowingly. Everything hurts, but when I am fighting, and when I get into that ring, everything else is gone. My moment when everything else in the world seems to disappear and leave me be. I have given all I have to be able to train again, and I didn't give my all to not achieve. It was hell coming back from such a devastating blow. And it will be hell climbing on top. But if I am willing, there must be a way right?
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Daughter to mother...
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Can he love her? Or is it the search for Mr. Right?

I filled everything out, and got to the last page, 1 second and I would have my results posted. My profile would be out there on the market. Men could view my profile. I didn't push the finish or submit button. And I don't know why.

So I attempting to understand why. Maybe through critical thinking and repetitive writing I can understand why my heart is so afraid.

To be completely honest with you and myself, I haven't technically been in a relationship since I was 15. Its been a long time. I have had my moments of falling, and no one catching me. I have had my summer romances. I have my moments where I long so-o badly to be with someone, my heart is basically screaming out. And then I have my moments where I fill so hallowed out, I think men are just friends, and good as only friends. I don't think there is anyone out there for me. I really don't. I am not up for sifting and fishing, I am not willing to put my heart up on the market. Yet, that's the only way to find love. I think I might be afraid that I will be settling. But I don't know. Hopefully this will bring clarity.

Maybe I just want affection...a partner...a friend more than anything.
When I think I might be liking someone, doubts cloud my mind, and discouragement manifests itself. What if....he could be taken...he is too good here, not so good here...maybe I grew up with a list of expectations that are unrealistic.

I am so frustrated with myself! Love is the most simplistic thing, but so complicated at the same time. Exciting and terrifying. I would give someone myself whole-heartedly, and hopefully they would too in return, but I am afraid of hurting them, and hurting me.

Another unknown fact about me is that I have never been out on a date. Really. Never. I have just hung out. I am 19, NINETEEN and I am a virgin-dater. Either men are not asking women out on dates, or something has got to be wrong with me. My striving for perfection has done nothing for my romantic relationships. What more do I have to do.

I know my weight factors into it. As I want a man in good health with a nice body. Hey, it would be wonderful. I need someone I am attracted to. As he to I. But I am working on it.

Being lonely is nearly intolerable. I really wish not all the good ones were taken. Where is my prince charming? I always get surprised, and when I finally get to thinking "you know, hey maybe he really, genuinely likes me for me" poof. Their gone. Why?

Is there "too much" of me? I find a nice guy here, and nice guy there. They could just turn into perspectives, but they don't!

I am done writing for now. But I still cant figure this out. Maybe I am scared of the freaks. I am a freak because I am desperate like them? What makes one desperate? Will I ever find me the love of my life? I am just scared of the good? I don't know.

What does a girl gotta do to be the one and find the one?
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 7:09 PM 0 comments