Sunday, September 13, 2009

How do you

Say goodbye?? I haven't ever been goodbyes. No matter how firmly I set it in my mind that it is the final goodbye, even for my best interest-I cant let go. You, he, she, they, them. All mean something to me, there is a part of my life that you touched, that you influenced that made me who I am today.

Maybe I feel as if I am saying goodbye to myself-and I don't want to lose myself. Where do "you" go if you lose would think that you couldn't lose yourself since you live, sleep, eat, breathe with yourself...but often times I find myself seeking for me; or maybe more of me. I am not sure.

I hate how people come into my life, and bring such a sparkle into it, and then disappear. It is worse when they came very close to you, and you no longer sparkle for them either. I don't want you to go. I hate losing friends, despite how inevitable it is in life. It. Isn't. Fair. Make me forget, please. It might be better that way.

I hate how the expected daily texts and messages come to slow end. There are no more phone calls with your face appearing with your number. I miss the sound of your voice. There is no more giggles and deep conversations late at night. No more secrets. Nothing new worth sharing. Don't you get that it isn't me who changed?? Its you.

I can make the time despite my long list of things, you used to. You used to do alot for me. Words will never be able to begin how much you have done. My life has changed immensely because of you. I don't know how often I cross your thoughts...but you still cross mine, everyday. I still keep all the pictures, the ones where we made silly faces, the ones that have great significance because of what happened when those photos took place.

Oh how I wish I could change what we have become. I love you. So much. You have been so much a part of my life.

"Friendships may not last. Friendships can lose importance and die gradually.
Some friendships end abruptly with unresolved conflict. The worst enemy of
friendships is change by one or both friends. There is usually pain with the
loss of friendship.In fact, friendships end with pain and change."

I just want to know if you even care.