For the past 3 nights in a row, I have been dreaming about getting married, or engaged-in the past I have dreamt twice of my kids. I have no idea why I have become obsessed and consumed by these subjects, these desires, of course, there is no doubt there has been a dream, a small desire to be married and have kids, but right now, more than anything, I want to fully experience these two blessings.

The first night I dreamt of getting married, the feeling I felt, just in the dream alone, was overwhelming. It felt so good it hurt. I was beyond joyful. And then again, last night...I cannot get over these dreams. I am not sure weather they mean anything or if it just an expression of my innermost desires right now.

I have in the past, had a great desire for a relationship. Last winter I thought of it, almost unbearable...for some reason, it [my desire] feels apparent for a different reason. Maybe it comes with the cooling of the weather, I don't know. But all I know is I want to be happy and married.

I want to have a family, have children. But there is one point I want to make as well. I have always desired to be a fashion designer. This talent of mine, will not go to waste, but if I am to get married before I accomplish my professional goals, I most certainly will start my family. After I have gotten back on my feet, I still plan on pursuing my education.

Will love keep me in its gravity forever?? Surely, it will. I am in love with being in love. Its part of being me.
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