When I was in the hospital, I had alot of time to think...even outside. It took 2 months to get better. That is alot of thinking time.
During which, I realized how many blessings I have, and have had, and I told myself I would thank you, my friends for what you do, who you are.
Life ended up busying me as soon as I could walk a straight line, and I haven't forgotten to say, thank you.
In my patriarchal blessing it states:
"Always seek for good friends and associates who have the same lofty goals in
life that you have, then you will enjoy a feeling of peace and security in your
involvement with them."
Now, some of you maybe getting a repeat, but I feel the need to publicly acknowledge you for sharing your greatness with me. Because I need it in my life.
Also, many of you know, I do not do so well touching on more "emotional subjects", I don't like crying in front of people, so consider this just as genuine as me saying it. Please.

Michael, my my Michael. How I love you. I remember having class with you-oh the fun of accounting and institute. Thank you for being so kind and loving to me. I wish there were more people like you, you always make me smile, and I love seeing you because of that. You are special and I am so happy we are friends. I miss having class with you, playing and joking with you. You have made me better.
By the way, your hugs are awesome!!

Katie my dear, you are so funny!! I love catching up with you, I admire you and unfortunately, I envy what you have. You have helped me through the hardest part of my life, and loved me despite my imperfections. Thank you, for being a good example for me. I love you.

Sadies!! I wish we had more time to get together and hit the gym like we used to. You are so sweet, I love how much you inspire me. I think you are one of the most beautiful people inside and out that I know. Thank you for being my friend.

Timmy Tim Tim, aka: Timmeh!! Thanks for being such a bud to me!! I love swinging with you at parks, talking randomly about life in general, and I love your honest opinion and advice. You humor kills me, and I enjoy sitting in my car eating frosty's with french fries...or just a gallon of ice cream with Ian and us. ha. Thanks for being you.

Oh, my darling Sarah. You always make me laugh!! Thank you for being my friend, for reaching out to me, when that's all I needed. I am glad we have met, your spirit is so tender, and your personality shines.

Alex. Thank you for loving me when I felt unlovable (which happens alot). You are the most giving person I know, and you have impacted my life, and there is no expiration date for that. I am glad we got stuck in that contract together, you make it alot better to get along with.

Oh my goodness, KAY to the LA!! I love having class with you, you are adorable and are the sweetest girl ever!! Thanks for being you, because you stick out in such a special way, it makes me want to stick out too.
p.s. ahem...we need that sleep over asap.

Ali, you are the kindest person I know. I am so glad I met you last year, you have changed my life so much. Thank you for not judging me, for helping me, advising me, and for making time for me. You make me feel loved, regardless of my faults. I wish more girls shared your outlook on life, you are an amazing woman-and you make me a better person each time I talk with you, or spend time with you. Thank you for living the way you do, and encouraging me. I appreciate you.

Andrew. Thanks for being a friend when I really needed it. Your pretty great my friend, pretty great. Even though you kill me when I cannot figure out how to defend myself...

Deshi - my dear Deshi. You are the most humble person I know, so down to earth and honest and kind. Thank you for being my friend. I admire you, you are amazing!!

Heather boo!! I love talking with you!! You have done so much for me, getting me that crazy job, you have been so generous in buying me dinner several times. I have been more outgoing since we have been hanging out. You are pretty rad, thanks for being the confidence boost I need, you are it baby girl!! I love it!! I love your super compliments too-days with you are always the best!!

Shaina, my love. My twin!! What more can I say to you than I haven't?? Alot. You know me, all of me. And still, you love me, and stay by me. You are one of the strongest people I know, and I love how well we know each other. I cannot wait to see you again, although there is quite a bit of distance between us, I feel closer to you than I have in the past. You change me, and make me better. You are a pillar in my life. Thank you. I love you.

Denny!! You are such a blast to be around!! Your compliments are always so sweet and come exactly when I need them. You give me hope in life, and I think you are awesome!! I absolutely LOVE being friends with you; you are incredible. xoxoxx

Hey Shakira!! Thank you for talking with me. I love it. I love going to the gym with you!! You are totally sweet!! And I will always remember what you said, because it made my day: "I love that I have pretty friends because I can look at them!!"
You are a strong person, who is accepting and generous. I am happy for you!! I am so glad we had "that" talk. We can do this thing, life, together.

Kels, I love how long we have been friends. You have never done anything to betray my trust. Thank you. And when I told you how awful I was, you still loved me. No matter how much I mess up, you still accept me. Thank you for being my friend. We have had a irreplaceable memories in the past, and I hope we will have more. Love you.

Girl!! Thanks so much for coming and seeing me in the hospital!! It meant so much to me, that you cared enough about me to come see me, and to help me do my phycho hair. You are the kindest and friendliest girl ever!!

Dan Dan the ___________ Looooopy Man.
I absolutely love you!! You have made my day several times. Meeting in Wooley's class was crazy, and I am beyond happy that we are friends. You are such a good influence on me, and I love being in your presence. You can always make me laugh and smile, and are the most accepting person, man I know. Thank you for loving me despite that messed up side of me, and for treating me like nothing is wrong with me. Thank you for your hugs, which I love. You better save me some while your on a mission, I need 2 years supply, and then you can send some in a bottle. Words cannot express how I love our friendship. Your the best. xoxoxx

Braden, last, but not least. (You weren't planned last my friend, its just how it worked!!)
We met in EFY, we were in the same company a few times. I never had the gut to tell you, that I admire your spirit. You are such a good person. I am happy I can tell you that now, and that I have the chance. Since then, you have become someone better, thank you for living righteously. That day we hung out for forever-I really needed a friend that day. Thank you. Thank you for sharing who you are with me. Thank you for being kind, and happy. I love it!!
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