So, you know those silly answer and question quizzes you get off facebook and myspace? I have never really gotten in with that, never really have liked them; woah, slow your mind, I am not converting here OK!! But give me a little breathing room, I am in need of the benefit of the doubt!! I am sick and bored [out of my mind is an understatement],
I remain "impaired"-the most I can do is walk down about 4 houses before I am tired again (all thanks to my malfunctioning brain, need I remind you-man to be able to take me down, my brain deserves a standing ovation *said most sarcastically*) *winks and rolls my eyes while scoffing* and watch TV, movies (and by now, I believe I am lucky to have a few brain cells left up there floating around).
I can read, I have to admit, quiet sparatically. Talk on the phone, text, surf the web, (pretend shopping is very amusing, I mean, it sucks in the end when you wish you could really touch the stuff you like and buy it, but since I have been out of work and my next 2 future paychecks are spent, I'm out of luck on this one-but considering the fact that I have angels on my side, and I am not dead, I guess that calls it even).
Listen to music (and with an inner ear infection, its a crazy weird sensation, I can feel the beats more than I am used to and, it makes me laugh, I didn't know someone could be ticklish in their ear, giving consideration, I am already very ticklish, that is unfair!!) ;)
I like visitors, however, I remember that everyone has a life [*cough* like I used to*], and are a little busy. So, when your not so busy, come play guitar hero, or something with me. Unfortunately I am pretty limited to activities, as my head is still spinning (which in a way amuses my mother because I walk around like I am drunk). Its a little disheartening as I cant drive-which is something I love to do, just drive off to nowhere, blaring the music is always a calming thing for me. Love to think by myself.
If I could drive, I think I might have gone and adopted another kitten this week (without telling my parents), I would have hidden it well as I have been the center of attention, which at first was nice, but now I gotta admit, because I cannot deny how annoying it is to always be in the spotlight, always someone watching (I guess it could just be for my good, since I walk funny, I might fall and trip since I am so clumsy now and then-being dizzy does not help the un-coordinated). Lucky for my parents, I cant drive. ;)
I try to keep the mood here light, humorous, as our family has spent a significant amount of time in the hospitals, especially these last 2 years-everyone already knows us, we call, they know our voices and this makes me laugh, we walk into the hospital, people greet us like were long lost friends. (Inside family jokes). Very funny.
So as I was talking early, I am going to do a kind of "get to know you post" full of those questions that you find randomly off facebook and myspace-if you know me, I have to tweak the questions, as I find many of them useless and meaningless.
1) Whats your favorite color?
Well, this seems to be the timeless question every quiz asks, so I figure I have to answer this one. It really depends on the day. (Right now I am pondering on what color to repaint my room as, and it is so-o hard!!) Because my favorite color changes with the day, unfortunately, I am very unstable on this, but watching me, you will learn very quickly how my moods work.
Most often my favorite color is yellow-this one means I am feeling super duper amazing, happy.
I do love blue, beautiful color. I like this one when I am feeling my best physically. Matches my eyes, which I noted a few weeks back (since my eyes change colors far too often these days) that when my eyes are blue, that is when I am supremely satisfied with life, hormonally. Although I can feel those same feelings and my eyes can be green or grey, blue is a great indicator of my happiness. If I could only make them stay that way!! When I was a baby, I was born with blue eyes, I plan on leaving with them that way too!! My favorite color.
Green, on the rare occasion, I am feeling adventurous and rambunctious.
Red, power day-high energy.
White, peaceful, contemplative, introspection.
Orange, well, plan to go partying on this day-and having a blast!!
Pink, once in a blue moon, it is so overdue, ladies night most definitely.
Purple, upbeat, on the ball.
Black, time to kick it with the boys, bring on the video games and time to train mma baby ;)
Well if life were easily defined by color, I would have it all figured out haha.
2) What are you afraid of?
A few things,
I am not afraid of ruining my body fighting, but I am scared of the dark. Wow.
I am afraid of losing the people I love-enough said.
I am afraid of being alone. Kind of goes along with # 2.
3) Who are your best friend(s)?
Well, I personally don't believe in having a thousand best friends. I have my best friend, and those who are pretty close. Then I have the outer circle, because everyone deserves and needs a friend (yes, you can hear me speaking from experiences), and then just the friendly acquaintances.
Shaina, she is like my big sister. There are never going to be words sufficient to describe how much I adore her. Kelsey, my second closest friend. Heather and Ali and Sadies, all my girls I have them in my heart, too bad I stole them all, no will find them as I hold them captive (yes I am perfectly imagining your faces and reactions to that sentence, I expect a few calls and texts soon regaurding that statement haha.)
My friendship is easily earned, maintaining it a bit harder. Trust is not easily earned, although you will receive my honesty. To be considered as Shaina, takes alot of work. Simple work-as defined by Shaina. She tells me I am too easily pleased. I let people in, but I really don't like to lose things I find and like. ;)
4) Family:
My papa, alright, you all know I am daddy's girl. By far. But I do love my mom. My two younger brothers, I look up to, I am currently in first place, although I fear I will quickly be passed up, height wise, and literally will be looking up to them. I have my dog, half Rot and half German Shep. I have 3 cats. And then I add Shaina in, just for some flavor ;) kidding.
I have always wanted a bigger brother, for several reasons. (One being, I would cease to be the child that is guinea pig tested on). We also have hundreds of exchange students I consider family. My favorite (shhhhuuuuussh!! Its our secret) Tito!! My "chocolate brother" again, inside jokes-man!! You guys are missing out!! I am enjoying this more than I thought!! ;)
5) Pet peeves...
Well I really hate being hairy. I love having smooth skin. I hate not having clean, white, fresh teeth, a 20 G' smile wont be wasted, I might lose some teeth fighting, but hey! Those can be replaced ;) I will grow old everyday anyways ;) I HATE, despise stinking. I am OCD, paranoid about this, my boss jokes as I am the "office air freshener". I enjoy this title.
I also hate finding nasty things in my food. I don't like food touching, well, to a point. Like today my mom made toast with eggs on it, then put a [yummy] orange on the same plate, which meant I was having soggy orange toast (which is supposed to be crunchy and warm...).
And I like clean toilets, bathrooms. Otherwise, I am a happy camper.
6) Dressing/clothes:
OK. So, don't laugh. Underwear clothing is first of course-I am normal, I don't wear my bra and panties outside of my clothing ;) However, I don't like getting dressed until I am done with hair and make up as I don't own a hair thing, you know a sticky roll (thanks to my brain I cant think!! Oh wait-on the tip of my tongue...lint roller!!) I probably should get one, considering I have animals everywhere. Anyways, then my right sock then left, pants and shirt(s)-layering occurs frequently in Utah since we spend a majority of our only 2 seasons winter and summer, in cold freezing weather.
I dress comfortably, what fits me. My mood. My style. I think if you find something that works for you, your attitude can make anything look good (in most cases-that was not a definite answer for anyone). The number on the tag doesn't matter, nor the name. I have moved through my 90's style to skater to gangsta' to now, just me. Defined by a friend: "you dress like a woman". I cant but help laugh at my phases. Oh well.
7) Music!!
Alright, well I am a music fanatic. (Too bad I cant dance and sing as well as much as I like music!!) I currently have 955 songs on my Ipod ranging from a few, seriously I could count the country songs on my Ipod with just my 2 hands, to hip hop, rap, rock, classic, pop - everything. I really love the 80's. To give a taste, I will list a few artists:
Robert Pattinson, Rise Against, Augustana, Beyonce', Bob Marley, Fergie, The Fray, Lady GaGa, Leona Lewis, Marie Digby, Paramore, Rihanna, Shiny Toy Guns-yeah-a good mix I think.
I will admit, I drive (when I actually can) I love turning up the music, zoning out the world tuning into my music and singing my lungs out-quite entertaining for the public I am sure. I wonder if I have ever been recorded on that TV show where they secretly recorded people then in the end told them they were "pranked" and had been recorded. I think I might have been, but, they just didn't tell, me-not that I need a bigger audience seeing as people who work in SLC like me have seen me walking to the Gateway telling me I am a funny driver-ooops ;)
8) Movies
Well, I am a sucker for those romance movies, however, I really hate myself after, seeing as I am in love with being in love, and my lacking of a man; romance movies are most definitely the certain of all genre of movies to be double edged. I don't really like scary movies. Honestly, I am petrified, and tend to hide under the covers and cover my eyes, because once I look I am interested, and then I regret it the as soon as night falls. I love action, anything that deals with fighting-woot! I am so down and in for it!! I am a kid at heart, I have a few classics tucked away.
My favorites, are... Pride the Pregiduce, Never Back Down, Step Up (ohhhh I wish I could dance like that), Twilight (of course, when your dragged by your girlfriends to the movies, the estrogen swoons together over the character a WOMAN made up to make bank *sarcastically noted*). The Incrediables, Finding Nemo, and oldies like the Little Mermaid, Swan Princess...yes, go ahead laugh, I am sure I am entertaining.
9) You get 3 wishes, what are you using them for?
My first would be able to sit with my all my friends and family, be surrounded by all of them, for a day (OK, a week seems more appeasing), both dead and living. I would really love to sit and talk with them, especially my grandpapa. I tend to miss him more than what I should, and its been 8 years now.
Secondly, I would want to be able to cure people. Actually CURE them. If people were not in pain, they would be able to do things, and everyone would function at a higher level, truly living their lives - but then, I don't blame God for making people sick occasionally, we all need those miracles and wake up calls, there always has to be opposition.
Third, I wish everyone could see life perspectively, no judging other for physical appearance (despite the weird things that happen to everyone, like me!! A devils smiley face scarred onto my left knee, with a malfunctioning brain!!); that love would never end, that we would say things we never even dreamt of saying, that there really is more good in this beautiful world than most give credit for, that everyone would have a friend-stuff like that.
10) What do you want to be "when you grow up"?
Well, considering that I am nearly 20, and still playing in parks, I don't think I will ever "grow up".
I most definitely love the Arts, I want to be a fashion designer.
I also want to be a lawyer-I enjoy doing things with law.
I want to go to the moon, travel the world.
I want to play the piano.
I want to play part in a miracle.
Publish a book, preferably my biography.Get married, have a family.
I want to fight, and obtain the title at least once in my life, the most amazing woman fighter.
*(Refer to a 150 something long list to see some of my life goals, in a previous post, a couple months back I think.)*
11) Love:
I believe love is simple. Being human, we tend to overwhelm, complicate or overreact when we dont need to. I think I am done looking for now, its rather frustrating at times to look and not see it. When love is ready to be found, I am sure it will hit me rather hard. I prefer to take my time, but when I love, I love deep, and not as slow as I would like, and it seemingly takes forever to get over it. I have a few crushes here and there, again, the word crush was intended. But life keeps me preoccupied, work, school, friends and all the stuff in between, not that I wouldnt mind slowing a bit down for love. ;) Love is beautiful, it changes lives. Love is always "there".
Those have to be the most basic I believe... Now time to copy and post!!
If you could have any super power what would it be?
I most definately would be invisable!!
What do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
Tehe, this is most definately a long discussion. Physically, I love eyes and smiles-oh goodness, kill me. Once the selfish part of me rears its head, body-wise, I love the broader shoulders, nice definition, not bulky though. Has to be taller-about 6' - I find this very attractive. I love to see a jaw line. OK, I am definately moving on before I sound shallow.
Attributes, I love driven men. Business minded, that dress that way, big turn on. I love sincerity, genuine attention. Affection-of course simple things can make my heart pitter patter...definately done with the question, as I find my self thinking way too hard (it hurts my brain...good excuse right?)
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Visiting wise, I simply cannot resist Brasil. I would love to go to NYC, Paris, Italy...oh my.
Which would you rather have-true love, or 100 million dollars?
Absolutely and most resolutely, most definately TRUE LOVE.
If money were not an object, what would you do with your life?
Love. Serve. Spread beauty. Live. Play. Make the world better. Did I mention love? ;)
Choose between having a rich husband, who is gone alot, or a husband who is poor and home alot:
Thats an easy one (it makes sense in my mind, I will try to explain). I would have to choose the rich husband-now, now, continue reading, Im not that shallow. I promise. Ok, I have no problems with infedelity. I am one of the most faithful people you will ever meet, especially in my love life. I would choose the rich one so I could provide for my children, and my family. And if he is gone alot, I wouldnt mind flying, driving, taking trains to see him. I am sure we would be fine, I deal with distance fairly well. I can handle phone calls, texts, chatting on the web camera. I can do that.
What is the weirdest thing you will ever admit to having done in the past?
Haha, GOOD question, lol. I am really...different. "Puking" is a very fun past time. Glow haha, theres alot more, too fun. No regrets.
What were you like when you were a kid?
Quiet, fun loving...innocent and naive.
What last made you laugh?
Memories, many. :) Most recent, I have to say, was when me and my best friend were already dressed for a wedding reception, and remembered we needed to shave so we both ran to the bath tub, me on the toilet, Shaina on the back of the tub, her skirt getting wet, me almost spraying her with the shower head, her almost slipping and mewiping shaving creame everywhere dying in laughter...what a GRAND memory.
What do you do for school and work?
School, currently in downtown SLC, going to school for my business transfer degree, so I can transfer to fashion school (crossing my fingers!!)
Work, again, downtown SLC, I work for a law office as a criminal paralegal.
Have any nick names?
My My - Heather
Myrda - Shaina
Myrd - Meg's
Sis - my family
Myr-myr - old home ward
Myranda Panda - my mom
What is/was your worst subject in school?
By far MATH :( Reading, English, Art are my strongest points.
Do you currently play any sports? If so, what?
MMA, I like football and basketball.
Do you like to dance?
Sure do, alone. To avoid embarressment, haha kidding. When Im out, its the simple Will Smith white style 1, 2 step. Although I do look forward to some dancing lessons. I can slow dance however, my grandpapa taught me, and I really love dancing. A talent I envy!!
Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age?
I am told I look (oldest 23) I usually get 21ish. I act, well, like a mature kid, haha with the park and amusment with simple things-I tend to have my "playful days".
Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with?
Yes, I fight MMA-but outside, I defended my brothers twice, once, I fought with a swarm of Poly's and then 2 boys. Again, I won.
Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
NEVER. I am too loyal, speaking from experiences.
Name 8 of the most important things in your life?
Family, God, Friends, Health, Me, Education, Money, Fun (order not numbered to importance)
Are you a touchy feely person?
Sure am, infact, I have been told I dont belong in America, as I have been given awards for being the bestest hugger-I freaking love hugs!!
Do you take showers in the morning or at night more?
Well, I usually take morning, sometimes I shower twice a day, depending on whats been going on, night showers make me sleep better.
Ever had surgery? If yes, for what reason?
Yep, tore my ACL August 3rd, 2007, had my surgery August 17th, 2007. Almost my 2 year mark.
Ever come close to death?
Yep, and watched it. I used to think it was funny to call 911, now I cringe at the thought of having to dial.
Ever broken any bones?
Pssssh, yeah. My right arm, foot too.
Do you play any instruments? If so, what?
Oh I wish!! Piano, guitar, drums...that would be incrediable!!
Have you been told you can sing well more than once?
Yes, although I find that hard to believe. haha. Shy I guess...?
3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
Eyes, smile, dimples
Ever been cheated on?
Once too many times. Every relationship, with the exception of one.
Have you ever been in a car accident or seen one?
I have seen so many, are you kidding?! And yes, I have been in 5, all none due to my fault, however, I beg to differ on the definition. They were not "car accidents", rather car crashes.
Till what age would you like to live and why?
I want my lover with me of course, I want to live to be about 100 something and then do something to break a world record being old-that would be a blast!!
Have you ever crawled through a window?
Crawled-no. Snuck out yes, good times, me and my girl cousins (8 of us are my age) were having the usual slumber party, and we snuck out, egged WalMart, toilet papered the house a couple miles down the street that looked like the house from the movie the Ring. I am so totally incriminating myself here. haha oh well!! ;)
Do you have a recurring dream? What happens in it?
I do!! It has only happened twice, but I see my 4 kids (future). Makes me a tad jealous.
What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
Thats a private victory.
What's the biggest personal change you've ever made?
Again, private. Sorry. You will have to personally ask me that one.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Um, yes and no-too often I believe the word properly substituted is lust.
Do you believe in soul mates?
In a way, I believe we all have several soul mates, its up to us to choose the one we want to live with for eternity, and trust me, these words bear a great importance with them.
Is there a secret you've never told anyone?
Do you like yourself?
Yes, of course. Perfection is not done in a day-if it were that easy, someone would have already found how to get there. Everyone is a masterpiece in the making.
Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes, since I was 12. I like to color instead of cut. But my natural is almost dark brownish red.
Are you an emotional person?
Surely. I am a woman. Real, human. I dont like to cry in front of people, if thats what the question is refering to...
What's something that can always make you feel better?
A good, strong hug.
Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?
Not just one, several, lost count. I have been called everything in the book to my face and behind. However, last year, I learned a trick I wish I had learned a looooong time ago. :)
Do you think that you’re a good person?
Yes, I struggle inwardly-but who doesnt? But I do believe I am good, again, perfection is an eternal progress.
Are you happier single or in a relationship?
I am happily single now. And will be happily taken in the future, although I would prefer to be taken ;)
What do you enjoy doing?
Lots, talk with me. :)
What do you notice first about a guy?
Eyes, smile, personality.
What do you notice first about a girl?
Well, I am not into girls but I first notice face and clothes.
Explain why you last threw up?
Well, I am not really up for repeating the long story, refer to my last post before this one.
Where did your last hug take place?
Right here, as I sit on my computer-with my mom!! It was nice.
Who was the last person to hold your hand?
My mom, as I walked tonight, I still walk pretty unbalenced. haha.
Do you chew on your straws?
No, I hate that feeling-just thinking about it. Just like scratching nails on a chalk board.
Who was the last person you rode in the car with that was under 21?
I like to be the driver-not for control reasons. I just trust myself, I give people too little credit, but then again, its my life. I have to say, it was Ali!!
The highlight of your week?
Shaina called me!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!
What really makes you mad?
It really takes alot (trust me, Tim tried throwing bread in my hair-epic failure, sorry Timmy!!) And I dont feel like devulging my inner secrets of how to push my buttons, I really dont get mad, more so, hurt.
Ever toilet papered someone’s house?
Yep, many times, many people-and much more. All in good fun!!
Do you want to be married right now?
Despite the feeling I feel, being left out as the rest of my friends are all walking down the asile right after the other, and are having children, even those younger than I, I can wait a couple years or so.
Ever been kissed under fireworks?
Oh gosh, I wish. Another I want to try is in the rain!!
Do you wish someone would call you?
Sure do!!
Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?
Unfortunately I am the broken hearted. If I ever turn into the heart breaker, I know God knows how to mend the hearts he made.
Which is the last song to make you cry?
P. Diddy, Missing you.
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Yeah, a few times.
What do you miss more than anything right now?
More like who-people mean more to me than objects. Shaina and my grandpapa especially right now.
Do you give out second chances too easily?
I have been told I am too giving, too forgiving and naive.
When was the last time you saw your grandparents?
My moms parents I have never met, her mom died before I was born, and even my mom hasnt met her dad. On my dads side, I saw my grandpapa about a week before he died on January 9th, 2001 and I dont remember any other time besides the funeral that I saw my grandma before she died March 13th, 2002.
How many speeding tickets have you recieved?
One, on graduation, 58 in a 35. I was in hurry, seriously. That was my first and [hopefully] last. ;)
Have you ever truly been in love?
I believe once.
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?
Those words are thrown around too much these days, I only tell people I love it when I mean it. I think the last person I said it too was my friend Lily.
What do you have on your bedroom walls?
Hand written quotes, thoughts, pictures, drawn designs, mirriors, more pictures, inspiration pictures and dream boards.
Do you keep a journal?
Yes, I do.
About how many friends from high school do you still talk to?
A few, I had a couple hundred that quickly narrowed once summer fever hit. But I dont care for quantity, only quality.
Are you a lover or a fighter?
Cheesy but I can deal: "I fight for what I love, and I love to fight"
What cologne/perfume do you wear?
Victoria's Secret Dream by Angels and Heavenly Bloom
What size bed do you have in your room?
Queen canopy
How long was your longest relationship?Why did it end?
8 Months, he cheated. Enough said.
Are you outgoing or do you keep to yourself most of the time?
Well I am shy at first, but once I break my shell, I am very outgoing. I know my proper place.
Do you smile with your teeth when getting your picture taken?
Sure do!!
What is your main ring tone on your phone?
Ring tone - She is love, Parachute or Beyonce' Halo (cant remember)
Text - Never think, Robert Pattinson
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A vet
About how many pairs of jeans do you own?
One...? Yeah, I know. One.
Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?
Short, but long enough to be styled.
Do you consider yourself to be religious?
Sort of, yes and no. Complicated, talk to me.
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
One too many times.
Did you ever wear braces?
Yep :0 Nerdy 12 year old, I have had my teeth worked on since I was 11. But I got me a nice pair of pearly whites!!
Are you artistic and creative?
Yes, sometimes I think too much.
What kind of mood are you in right now?
What time is it?
Currently 9:41PM
Last phone call?
My mom, this afternoon.
Recieved: Teresa
Sent: Daniel
How do you reduce stress?
Cry, fight/train. Drive.
Do you swear?
Occassionally, but I dont like to, I dont think it sounds classy for a lady. Or respectful.
Do you like thunderstorms?
LOVE them. The smell after, reminds me of my grandpapa.
Is the glass half empty or half full?
Half full. (Of Apple Juice that I am craving like crazy-only thing that actually tasted good in the hospital) ;)
Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Hahah, yes. Besides, I am old fashion, guys should pursue the woman first. Although, if its friendly, I dont mind asking.
Hugs or Kisses?
I choose BOTH.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Favorite flower?
I love all them!! Roses are nice, daisies too. Oh, I love flowers.
Have you ever fired a gun?
Airsoft wars count right?!
Right handed or left handed?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
I believe 8...
What five things will you always find on you?
Cell phone, keys, chapstick, perfume, gum.
Ever been on stage?
Lots, dancing and fighting.
What's something you couldn't live without and why?
What family member do you wish you knew better?
My grandma
What experience has changed your outlook on life?
I have had ALOT of those, again, ask me as the answer is REALLY long, plus I like discussing things like this.
What do you love most about your family? Why?
I love how they are all so kind and sticky-never leaving me.
What in life are you most proud of?
I am not so materialistic. I have to really think about this...ask me another time after I have had time to really think.
Who's your most loyal friend?
Would you want to be famous? For what?
No, but if yes, for changing the world for better, even a little.
What's your biggest accomplishment?
Not dropping out of high school after I tore my ACL senior year.
What's your earliest childhood memory?
1993, we had 3 feet of snow, my papa had to carefully climb on top of our house and shuvel it off.
What's a life lesson you learned the hard way?
To appreciate what you have NOW, and to make NOW better, instead of wishing.
What's one thing in past like to change?
What's your favorite thing about yourself?
That I am a really good, devoted, caring, loyal friend.
Do you believe in Karma?
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
YES, most definately
What would you say your biggest fear is when it comes to relationships?
Losing them, in every way.
What is your idea of a romantic date?
I dont really mind as long as I am with who I like, simplicity is key. Bon fires, talking, playing and having fun-enjoying each other, literally. If its going to be romatic, its just the two of us.
Loose your sight or sense of hearing?
Considering that I have the chance of going blind already and have had a small taste, I most definately couldnt deal with losing either. I would find a way!!
So, thanks for sticking around while I typed my boredom away, I am tired now. I will still keep you all posted with my broken brain, tehe. A 19 year old with a dysfunctional brain, man I am so going to break records!! ;)
Monday, June 22, 2009
Extrememly bored-bear with me.
Posted by :::::MyRaNDa:::::THE sWeETeSt GiRl at 9:41 AM
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