They say that time heals everything. I don't believe that time can heal everything, as everything is an absolute, and time in all honesty cannot heal everything. But I believe it heals many things, maybe not to the full definition of heal, but it does a good job mending. But it is a double edged sword.
A broken heart can heal with time, although different things can hurt the heart, the ripple effect usually comes back. Or karma, because how you react is what your karma is, you can indeed hurt yourself. The heart which is continuously under siege, is also always in the process of healing. There are many layers to heart, especially that of a woman; too many times it is intimidating to peel back those layers and look inside, or to be the one on the inside letting others in.
I have recently revived a friendship. Taken the leap that most times I fear. My heart is fixing the pain of death and sorrow, but it will never forget it. I don't believe that God could be so cruel that he would leave us suffering, I believe that he is the one healing my heart, because after I have been stripped of pride and ego, I finally admitted that I couldn't do it all on my own. He still stands by me even when I am blinded through my own eyes. 

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