I have realized that I haven't really posted anything since I was sick all the way back in June!! I'm sorry my life hasn't had anything I find worth posting over. But, today that has changed!!

I have had the chance to visit with so many of my good friends over this summer, some I haven't seen in over 4 long years!! And there are still some friends I want to visit with, maybe I will get to see them before 2009 ends!!

I have been donating plasma, I started over a year ago...that's a long time. I also note that about this time a year ago is when I became very close to my bestest friend, Shaina...our first anniversary love!! ;)
I have been thinking alot...ALOT is an understatement.
I want to attend FIDM in LA, California, but considering that California is on the verge of bankruptcy, and my mothers strongly opposed opinion, it has made me think more than once about this. Of course, this is the school of my dreams-it has its benefits, good jobs, some of the best, a great education, amazing connections and people-I love California. But considering that in order for me to attend, I have to spend $36,000 just on tuition for 15 months. Living there, the cheapest housing you will be lucky to find is $800 a month. Yikes!!

If I do end up moving out there, hopefully it will be by January of 2011. It is so weird, I will be 21 by then...life has changed so much since I was in high school.
I just took out my first student loan-a grand total of $3500. This will pay for my tuition, and supplies-hopefully I can purchase a laptop, I need one badly-being in college, its kind of a requirement.
I went fishing this summer with my dad and his scouts, I, for the first time, caught more than one fish at a time. Something I was very pleased with!! Eight perch in about an hour!!

I want to travel. I want out of Utah. I have never been more annoyed now than I am with the construction going on here. Every street I hit has an orange cone...our new state color!! I haven't been on a vacation since I was 12...the years when I need it most, are the ones I cant afford to go. I want to go to California, of course. Alaska, New York, Brasil...I just want to leave the place I have been for so long. Utah is a safe place to live, there is no argument with that, but it is a bit redundant. No so much my taste.