Sunday, August 15, 2010


We call and text, still its not enough.
Time is hard to come by, but we still bend the rules when it comes to each other.
We've been best friends for a long time, 14 years, but we're not counting,
because everytime we are together, we have a good time.

Good conversation, good laughs...and even cries. Stories of boys, school, boys, work, boys, news, boys, hardships, boys, good things, boys, bad things, boys, life.

No matter how far away we are, no matter the time, we're ride or die and we need each other. Always and forever.

We have been through alot together, seen and heard it all and everything in between-we're crazy and sweet, we love life despite the negativity because we know we always have a friend no matter what, so come what may.

Last night, the whispers and accidental loud laughs sitting on my curb side on my U of U blanket, watching as people amusedly drove past at 2:00AM...the conversation and watching videos and taking pictures, its all that comes with us, we got the whole package.

I love you Heather babe. Lets be bessssst friendssss for forever plus some...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

If I were a boy

I would lie to you, even about the small things because I dont think they matter.
I would expect you to be loyal while I went out and tested the waters.
I would lead you on.
I wouldnt really care about YOU, I would be selfish and take you for granted.
I would say and do things to make you feel unstable and insecure.
I would put myself first and make the rules up as I go.
I would tell you what you want to hear, just so you wouldnt leave.
I would think you wouldnt be strong enough, or smart enough to leave - because when women arent treated right, they think its because the man loves them, but is being stupid and will change.

If a man is a real man, he will get it right the first time.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Over it.

I have a heart of gold, but it has been refined by many people, by many events, and by many circumstances. I could never regret or try to change my life contents, because they have made me who I am. I am much more muchier with them - but who I am and how I act is dependable on how I play the cards I have been dealt.

I was done a favor. Surely, it hurt me - there was pain involved, you know, but recognizing the amount or kind is impossible because of arrogance and ignorance; but it has made me better, and I am glad it is completely over. It took me time, you cant blame me for that. All the pictures are gone now, even the number too. I did my part and gave my all to try and end it on a good note. I wouldn't change a thing, its been hard, but anything worth something is worth the fight. Nothing lingers.

Now I am loving me for me, letting everything that doesn't belong go. I need and deserve to be happy. I am putting myself first, and loving me first, genuinely. I am new, and there is new. A good new. Thank you.